Authors: Tim Jenness & Simon Cozens
Publisher: Manning
Reviewed by: Nicholas Clark
This is a long review. I could have said "the book is missing things that I think should be there" and leave it at that. But it's trivial to say, easy to dismiss, and impossible to follow. As I'm clear in my head about the specifics of what I think is missing but relevant to the book's subject matter, I've backed things up every time with examples. This makes a much longer review, but hopefully much clearer to follow, and easier to understand why I hold my opinions. Maybe it's more of a short article than a review, but it says what I feel I need to say.
The two authors have an excellent pedigree in the Perl world, and the writing of this book generated direct improvements in the Perl code. Tim Jenness is a respected module author, and submitted two thorough API testing modules to the Perl core during the creation of this book. Simon Cozens concentrated on improving the Unicode support in perl5.8, and was submitting more core patches than I was prior to becoming the first parrot pumpking. Despite herding the first 4 parrot releases and writing this book, he still managed to contribute back significant core API documentation updates.
Extending and Embedding Perl says that it assumes that the reader is a competent Perl programmer, but it doesn't assume proficiency in C. It should be possible to gain a lot of benefit from this book without any prior exposure to C and to help achieve this the first and third chapters are entitled "C for Perl programmers", and "Advanced C" respectively. I will divide the book, and hence review, into two parts; the C tutorial, and the rest of the book. I will start with, and concentrate on the important part - the main book.
The "main book" consists 9 chapters of varying length; two are over 60 pages, two are under 15. Two deal with XS, Perl's extension language used to automate writing glue code, with a third covering alternatives to XS. Two provide references to how Perl holds variables, and the Perl API. The two shortest chapters of the book describe embedding Perl into other programs. Chapter 10 is called "An introduction to the Perl internals", and covers how the Perl interpreter parses Perl source code to generates opcodes. The final chapter describes the core Perl development process, and touches on the future.
The authors say we have worked hard to make this book the definitive tutorial for all reference to all topics involved in the interaction of Perl and C. I find that the book sits uneasily between either - I don't find it a clear introduction or tutorial to the internals of Perl, nor do I feel that it will become my first port of call as a reference work. There are some parts of the book I really like - the sections on interface design in the two XS chapters gives an excellent guide on how to craft a natural Perl level interface onto a C API. 20 pages are well spent in a clear description of the multiplicity of ways to pass arrays to and from Perl, contrasting implementation simplicity, Perl interface simplicity and speed. There are insights into the internals, with hacks that I was unaware of, such as how and why there is no simple IV or NV type, just composites with PV. The section on the B modules is an excellent guide to one of the most feared family of core modules (judging by the fact that no-one has the courage yet to write regression tests for them), clearly showing their underlying simplicity, and leaving me wondering what everyone was so afraid of. There are good explanations of some of the traps in C laying in wait for the unsuspecting Perl programmer, such as float var = 1/4 being 0.0 and the dangling else ambiguity. But ultimately I find the book disappointing, which is sad, because I appreciate that a lot of effort went into its production. I will group my concerns under 4 headings: ordering, overview, insight and errors/omissions.
The introduction recommends that the experienced C programmer skip chapters 1 and 3 (the C tutorial which I cover later). Chapter 4 says If this is your first look at the insides of Perl, feel free to skip this chapter and come back to it later. Chapter 5 says This chapter is a reference to the Perl 5 API ... you are encouraged to jump around this chapter. Chapter 10, the book's penultimate chapter is "An introduction to the Perl internals". Some of the XS examples chosen for chapter 6 are actually much simpler than many in chapter 2, and better illustrated how XS is meant to work to simplify the programmer's task. Smoothly breaking the reader into a subject as self-referential as the Perl internals is hard, it means trying to find a good order to minimise forwards references, but this is what a tutorial should set out to do, and this book fails to find a successful order.
Ordering within chapters is also confusing. Chapter 5 sets out to be a reference to the API rather than a tutorial, yet it is not in alphabetical order. If anything, the API functions are set out in progressive order of complexity, minimising forward references, more akin to a tutorial. Section 5.4.1 even starts As usual, we'll begin our investigation . Chapter 6 innocently presents an XS example, then adds after half a page of explanation As it stands, this code will not compile, because.... Later during an explanation of passing arrays it only announces after the code example that actually this one differs from the previous implementation because it passes by reference rather than in @_. Chapter 4 first introduces the general concepts of SV types and reference counting in dry text, before a very accessible illustration of the same thing with simple Perl and Devel::Peek. I would have found it clearer the other way round; I suspect that many Perl programmers would have too.
Some choices of introduction points for ideas are also illogical. Chapter 8 ends with a section "embedding wisdom" in which there is the point Avoid using Perl API macros as arguments to other Perl API macros (this advice is also relevant to XS programming). Why is this advice first mentioned on page 266 of 361, but neither in the chapters on the Perl API, nor in the chapters on XS? Similarly, the only mention I can spot of the XS BOOT directive is in chapter 5, the Perl API reference.
The book only concerns itself with the details of the various topics it covers. Nowhere is there any overview of the architecture of the Perl interpreter; contrast this with the "Perl Internals" chapter of Advanced Perl Programming[1] which starts with a description of the architecture, accompanied by a block diagram of a running Perl interpreter. As you read through it becomes apparent that Perl passes arguments to and returns results from extensions via an argument stack, but this is not stated up front. In fact, all argument passing in Perl between ops is done via this stack, but the first mention of it is at page 169.
Likewise there is no overview of the XS language. XS is designed to provide an quick[2] way to wrap external C libraries to create Perl libraries. The XS compiler xsubpp assembles complete C wrapper subroutines from the XS instructions you give it. It has a template which it uses to build the C wrapper, and various XS keywords are used to instruct it on which pre-fabricated units to choose, or provide a custom over-ride for one of its sections. As a C programmer I find it much easier to understand if I think of it in terms of a tool that automates writing C for me, as C is something I already understand, even if I don't yet understand the details of the C that it is writing. But there's no paragraph like this to introduce XS. And there's no table showing how the various XS keywords fit together in the template to build a whole wrapper, or which keywords act as alternatives to each other or to automatic code. In fact, the XS keywords aren't even listed in one place, but introduced without fanfare throughout the book. Nor are the various C variables that the XS code defines for you ever written out. As an XS programmer you need to know their names to avoid choosing the same names for your parameters or temporary variables. But they are never listed, only alluded to.
Finally, Perl plays a lot of pre-processor games to hide its namespace from other C programs, using C macros to redefine all its function names with a Perl_ prefix, to avoid name clashes when linking with external libraries. This lets your source code continue to refer to sv_gets, even though the symbol that the C compiler and linker see is Perl_sv_gets. The same mechanism is used to add in an extra context parameter to pass thread local state around if you build a threaded Perl. Being aware that all this is going behind the scenes is useful, even though it's not something you normally need to worry about. But it is possible for an XS author to make assumptions and mess up because of it, so it is useful to be aware of it if things are going wrong for you. But the book gives no overview of any of this, only a few passing references.
With two very experienced Perl developers as authors, I hoped that the book would be full of insights into how things work, and tips and tricks of the trade of the extension writer - things you can't learn from reading the documentation or the source code. Some sections do give these, but there are many places where there are things that I believe would have been beneficial to state. The most important of these is PL_na, an integer variable originally provided to simplify user code that wants to ignore the length returned by SvPV(). Because some code actually uses the global PL_na, to keep this code working PL_na is stored in thread local storage in a threaded Perl. Hence it represents a speed hit, and new code should use a local variable instead. But the book doesn't say this. Similarly, there's a C trap that it's easy to fall into when calling a function foo. This is tempting to write, but wrong:
STRLEN len; foo (SvPV(sv, len), len);because it's undefined behaviour in C (the code shown relies on the order of evaluation of function parameters). The correct way is:
STRLEN len; char *pv = SvPV(sv, len); foo (pv, len);It's a trap that is easy to unwittingly fall into, so the book could have mentioned it.
In the chapter on the Perl internals, section 10.3.2 describes sublexing, and how the function scan_str is called to extract a string within balanced delimiters, which is then passed on to another function which deals with variable interpolation. This description of how the quote and quotelike operators are parsed is accurate, but it missed an opportunity to give insight into the implications of this implementation. Because the end of the entire string or regexp has to be found before it is digested, if you patched the re pragma to give an option to make extended regexps the default, you still couldn't put / inside a regexp comment, because the Perl parser will stop at the first un-backslashed / that it sees, independent of internal regexp context. (Note that such a pragma would get round the other problem: that the //x flag is after the regexp)
Chapter 7 describes SWIG, an alternative to XS which also generates wrappers for Python, Ruby and many other languages. However, there's no discussion of the strengths and weakness of SWIG, or when you should choose it over XS. Until recently SWIG wasn't able to use nested Perl namespaces, hence all the wrappers it generated had to be top level namespaces. Acceptable locally, but no good for distributions. This limitation is now gone, but readers may be aware of it, so the book should have mentioned it. SWIG has better support for C++ in general, and automatically generating accessor methods for C structures. However, it is limited to generating wrapper code that treats each parameter in isolation, whereas XS gives you full power to override its auto-generated code, letting you create wrappers with variable argument lists, or the flexibility to cope with arguments being of different types (scalars, array references etc). Simplifying: SWIG handles data better, XS handles functions better. But Extending and Embedding Perl doesn't tell you this.
The book starts to hint at the biggest design problem I found with SWIG. To use SWIG you write an interface file, which SWIG converts to a wrapper. This leads to two real difficulties. Firstly, you can't directly include system headers defining types you need, because if you do SWIG will attempt to wrap every function and structure it finds in them. So you end up duplicating the definitions you need. Secondly SWIG generates your C wrapper code and your Perl module from this interface file up front. There is a great temptation to edit the auto-generated C and .pm files, but you must not. This is not what you might be used to with h2xs and the .pm file it generates for you once. Couple this with the poorer handling of arguments, and the result is that with SWIG is that you tend to end up with one auto-generated .pm file that gives the raw interface, and another handwritten .pm module that fixes up the interface to give a more natural feel. This may not be what you want, either for speed or aesthetics. These two paragraphs may seem irrelevant - what am I doing, going on about something that's not in the book? Well, that's my point - I would have hoped that the book would give you an insight into all these things, so that you learn from the experience others, rather than having to spend the time on getting the experience yourself.
Perl tracks which memory is in use by reference counting is structures such as scalars. As a programmer manipulating the internals, you need to get your reference counting right, otherwise Perl will leak memory or free things prematurely. It's crucial to get this right, yet the book hardly touches on it. There should be a whole section on how to do it - who owns the reference of items on the argument stack, which API routines increase the reference count for you on the assumption that this will save you another call, which API routines hook the pointer you gave them into another structure without changing the reference count, and in effect take a reference from you. The book briefly mentions this, but with no more detail than I have here. Most of the descriptions in the API reference section make no mention of what they do to reference counts. When XS is introduced there's no mention that everything on the argument stack should be "mortal", as your caller mortal copies things onto it, and copies off anything you pass back. This alluded to later, but blink and you'll miss it. This is crucial stuff to get right, but it's just not there.
Internally Perl throws and catches the exception generated by die by using C's setjmp and longjump functions. The implication of this is that if something you call in the Perl API causes a C level croak() or a Perl level die (such as the FETCH method on a tied value that you read) then longjump is going to bypass the rest of your extension's code, and any cleanup and resource deallocation it would have done. Hence if your extension is called in an eval Perl code execution will continue, but you will have leaked resources. If you're trying to write bullet-proof code for a persistent environment such as mod_perl this could become important. Yet Extending and Embedding Perl never mentions this, or what can be done to ensure cleanup happens.
The Perl API reference in chapter 5 could never realisticly hope to cover every nook of of the Perl API, as there isn't an official API - historically people have just seen a function in the core source they liked the look of, and started using it. However, the reference in chapter 5 is incomplete, in that it doesn't cover all the Perl API used in the rest of the book. The body text makes reference to sv_setref_pv in two different chapters without describing what it does. I didn't know, so I looked in chapter 5, but it's not there. Similarly the API guide contains no entry for SvUPGRADE or sv_upgrade. This considerably diminishes the utility of the book as a reference - as I know that I may not find something, I won't look in this book first. Likewise the scope macros (ENTER, SAVETMPS, FREETMPS, LEAVE) are mentioned several times but never clearly defined or explained in the API reference. The API reference chapter's introduction only ever uses the word "functions", never saying that many are actually macros. The difference is crucial, as every competent C programmer knows to avoid putting expressions with side effects, such as i++, in the arguments to a macro. They are described as functions, so C programmers could well treat them such, and this will cause bugs.
I spotted two subtle but potentially serious errors in the API reference. Firstly, the SvIOK() example is given as:
SvIVX(sv) = 123; SvIOK_only(sv);You can get away with this on a fresh SV, but it could cause a core dump on a re-used SV. The two statements must go the other way round, so that SvIOK_only can call cleanup functions for things such as the offset hack. Secondly, the book wrongly says that hv_fetch will compute the key length for you if you pass in a length of zero. It does not, and getting this wrong will cause hard to find bugs.
The book starts with a chapter designed as an introduction to C for Perl programmers, and the third chapter is described as "advanced C". People have argued that a C introduction/refresher has no place in this book. I do not agree - Perl is a weakly typed language with self-resizing strings builtin, automatic memory management, introspection, and dynamic code compilation. C is strongly typed, and has none of the other features. Yet Perl is implemented in C, so somehow it has to be providing all its features using C. I think that contrasting C and Perl, describing the similarities and emphasising the differences, gives an excellent introduction to the Perl internals, setting the scene for just how much they have to do.
However, the C tutorial given is not good. It is unclear, fails to define important concepts, contains dangling cross references and several serious errors. Worse still, it has a showstopper error. This should have been spotted, and the production run stopped until it was corrected. Strings in C are very different from Perl, and often a source of errors even among experienced C programmers. Page 58 gives an example of how C strings work. The entire explanation is based around manipulating a string as defined below, with an accompanying box diagram as shown:
char a[5] = "hello";This is a serious off by one error. The initialiser as given is valid C (although not C++) but does not do what you want to do here. If you attempt to compile the code with a C++ compiler, such as g++, you get this error message:
h e l l o \0
offbyone.c:1: initializer-string for array of chars is too longThe actual data stored in the array a in C is this:
h | e | l | l | o |
NULL is introduced without definition or explanation. NULL pointers are an important concept in C - nowhere is it mentioned what they are, or that in a numeric context they evaluate to 0, and hence are logically false, whereas all other pointers are true. C has a switch statement - just about the only part of C syntax that is not part of Perl's. But the book doesn't make it clear that this is only for integers, and the case targets have to be integer constants. This would be an obvious point to note, because in the chapter on XS the book there is a section describing the C code for finding constants that Perl utilities auto-generate - effectively the utilities are writing out a switch on strings longhand, because C's builtin switch cannot do this.
The contents of rest of the book are good; my principle complaints are the ordering and the omission of related or relevant content. The C tutorial is actively bad. Avoid.
In summary, excluding the C tutorial, the content of the book is good. There are a couple of small factual errors, but these do not mar the book. However, I feel that the book is a missed opportunity. The existing content is not in an optimal order for a tutorial, the main API reference section is not laid out in an easy order for direct lookup, and there are no reference tables or diagrams for other information important to an extension writer. The opportunity was there to provide much greater insight into how Perl works, and how to write extensions, but it was rarely taken. This book makes me sad, because it could have been so much more.